Friday, June 27, 2014

Champions of Morwell

Morwell Neighbourhood House is focusing on the unsung heroes of our community.  We have a launched a ‘Champions of Morwell’ Campaign. 

We are asking the community to help us identify the true heroes of Morwell.  The anonymous people who are making a difference on a local level.  The person, people and groups who are making a significant but unrecognised contribution to our community.  The volunteer, the worker, your friends, and your family, we all know someone who goes above and beyond for their community.  We want to let them know that it all makes a difference.

Morwell Neighbourhood House will be sending THANK YOU cards to those who the community identifies to us.  So far we have sent out 35 cards.  We know there are far more unsung heroes in Morwell then that and we need your help to identify them all.  You can call us on 51345488 or email us.  We only need a name and postal address.  Thank-you.

Champions of Morwell

#GippsNews, #MorwellNH